Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


  1. My son was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome disorder, along with ADHD, and Bipolar disorder. School is not easy for him but, he tries very hard. There are many teachers that do not understand the diagnosis of FASD but, still will not research the diagnosis when they have it clearly written in the ARD papers. It is very sad. I hope that many more will make the effort to understand these beautiful children to help make their life a little easier, because, it truly is a up hill battle.

  2. All teacher are not Doctors but we are part of the first line of defensive. There are all kinds of medical diagnosis from FASD to ADHD we have to stay alert for. If you are having a problem with a student you must get that student to a person who can check them out to see what is happening with that student. The point is we are here to help our children make it thru life.
