Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Homeless in America

1 comment:

  1. I'm grateful for the many organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life for homeless and impoverished people. According to a hunger and homelessness survey conducted in 2008, the three most common causes for homelessness in families are poverty, unemployment, and lack of affordable housing. For singles, the three most common causes are substance abuse, mental illness, and again, lack of affordable housing. Unfortunately, mental illness and substance abuse often go hand-in-hand, and individuals who suffer with this are more difficult to help because they need more rigorous and consistent treatment. Many veterans suffering with PTSD fall under this category, as they compose 40% of the homeless population. It's truly disgusting to think about how some of these men and women experience the horrors of war in order to serve their country, and end up being left with knowledge and visions so atrocious as to spawn mental illness and subsequent deterioration of life as it used to be. And it feels like there's nothing we can do to save them; what can we ever do to make things right for them again?
